Caffeine Dependence

When we need to sleep late, one thing we turn to, COFFEE. When I was in my college years  and loads of book chapters to read all night  I can finished up to four cups of coffee. In the morning due to the late night sleep I would sip another cup before going to school for me not to feel sleepy in the class.


That is when my addiction to coffee started. Due to a limited budget because I am still studying I would prefer instant coffees which only costs Php 7.00. My favorite is anything that has a white coffee on the label because it tastes more creamier.


When I started working as a part timer in one of the fast food chain here in Philippines my dependency to coffee got even more worsen. After my class in the morning instead of taking my nap in the afternoon I have to go straight to my part time job and for me not to feel sleepy or tired at work I’ll have another cup of coffee again. Due to the tropical weather of our country I prefer having an Iced Coffee in the middle of the day and because of a small budget I didn’t get mine at Starbucks or Bo’s Coffee but instead made it on my own.

My Iced Coffee Recipe

               2 Sachets of white instant coffee  (my gosh!!! that’s double the dose)

               50 ml of hot water (to melt the coffee)

               A glass of ice (cold! cold! cold!)

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After a several months of having this kinds of habit I then know begin to feel restless. During my day off which is a good time to rest for having a hectic school-work schedule it became hard for me to sleep at night.There are also times that my hands are shaking all of a sudden. I also easily gets nervous. Even thought I feel these things that doesn’t stop me on drinking coffee which i think during those days is already part of my system.  A meal wouldn’t be complete without it’s presence and my tongue would feel so bland if it does’t touch it’s taste, approximately 4-5 cups a day which is not healthy.

vector silhouette of a girl with raised hands and broken chains

I then realized that the after effect that being addicted to coffee is no good at all. I decided to change my habit with help and advice of my mother and as well as my research in the internet on how to beat addiction and this link might help you too

Steps on how I beat my coffee addiction:

  1. In the morning I still sip coffee but I only use half of the sachet which I practice for a week then I get used to It.
  2. On the second week I skip my Iced Coffee in the middle of the day and replace it with sweetened soya milk which is a good source of protein and pair it with banana which is an energy giving food.
  3. On my late night study instead of having 2 cups of creamy coffee I will go for a half teaspoon of pure black coffee and not put any creamer or sugar in it because adding these condiments would keep me ask for more coffee.
  4. I also try on having tea because it is a healthier option but not everyday because honestly I don’t like it’s taste. Yikes! sorry for the tea drinkers.
  5. The most important steps is to commit yourself on the changes that you want to achieve because being consistent on what you are doing is the way to achieve your goals.
  6. Last step is to practice it for more than 21 days because the 21 day rule is really true!

Sharing this might help you. Do not be afraid to share on the things which you find to be possessive. You can comment what you are addicted too and I might write about it on my next blog.